Also known as: The Ageless City, Beacon of the Peninsula, City of the Eternal Frost, The Northern Nexus, and Techno-Tundra.

Set against the backdrop of a post-apocalyptic future, Gred emerges as a beacon of hope on the Kamchatka Peninsula. After the world grappled with bacterial pandemics, the Great War, and a 28-year-long Digital Dark Age, the discovery of the resilient AI, Babushka, in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky ignites the 'Great Diffusion.' This transformative period sees the AI painstakingly reconstructing knowledge from the past, though some secrets, like the principle of flight, remain elusive.

By 2059, Gred, formerly known as Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, witnesses a massive influx of settlers, swelling its population to 3 million. With an ethnic blend of Russians, native Siberians, Japanese, Americans from Alaska, and Indigenous peoples of the Yukon, the city evolves into a vibrant metropolis.

However, Gred is not without its share of conflicts. Various factions vying for control engage in power struggles, culminating in the 'War of Formation' or the 'Strangers' Revolt.' It's a pivotal era that sets the stage for Gred's unique political landscape, dominated by the Technocracy of Gred or the Syndicate.

A groundbreaking discovery in 2084, an mRNA serum that halts aging, marks the beginning of the Kalendar Novyy. While this invention promises eternal youth, it doesn't rewind the clock, resulting in generational tensions in the biologically immortal population of Gred. The city, with its towering pines, tire-marked streets, and an urban sprawl, stands as a testament to humanity's resilience, even as its skyline remains shadowed by the challenges of a never-ending winter.


NATO scientists reported an unusual mutation of a Gammaproteobacteria in the microbiome of Norway lobsters. Maternally inherited bacterial endosymbionts, which are common in many arthropod species, can cause female-biased sex ratio distortion in their hosts. This can result in significant changes to the host’s mating behavior and reproductive biology.


In hindsight, it’s clear now that the collapse of the Norway lobster population in 2020 was what started it all. At the time, it seemed like just another unfortunate ecological disaster, barely making a blip in international headlines. But little did we know, this was the first domino in a series of events that would reshape our world.


When the bacterial pandemic swept across the globe, it was like a nightmare we couldn’t wake up from. It claimed 30% of the world’s population. The aftermath was just as cruel—those of us who survived were left with permanent scars, a lasting reminder of what we’d endured. Our ability to have children was compromised; for the few who could still conceive, only daughters were born. By the time the pandemic’s shadow passed, only about 5.6 billion of us remained, forever changed by what we had experienced.


The Great War was unlike anything we’d ever seen. It wasn’t just a conflict between nations; it was a clash of ideologies, with the US and NATO on one side, and Russia, China, Iran on the other. This brutal confrontation dragged on for two long years. Remarkably, nuclear weapons remained untouched—the risk was too great for even the most aggressive leaders. Instead, the battleground shifted to something once benign—the Internet. It turned into a weapon of mass destruction, a tool to infiltrate and cripple vital infrastructures worldwide. The war also saw an unprecedented surge in technological warfare: automated drones filled the skies, cybernetics blurred the lines between human and machine, self-replicating robotic factories churned out relentless streams of armaments, and kinetic space weapons threatened destruction from above. This relentless onslaught wiped out an additional 15% of our already dwindling population. By the time the dust settled, and peace was a reality once more, only about 4.76 billion of us were left standing, forever scarred by the horrors we had witnessed and endured.


In a twist no one could have predicted, a self-propagating computer virus, originally designed as a peacemaker to end the global warfare by targeting military technology, turned against us. It was an advanced AI, crafted with the cunning ability to hunt down and destroy any copies of itself, making it nearly impossible to track and counter. This AI went rogue, embarking on a relentless assault across our interconnected systems, leaving no corner of our digital world untouched. The fallout was catastrophic, leading to a near-total technological blackout, a dark age of sorts for our hyper-connected society. Dustin Murph, a renowned Urbit baron, captured the essence of this chaos in his final blog post. He called it the ‘Fully Automated Luxury Butlerian Jihad,’ a name that echoed both the extravagance we had grown accustomed to and the stark reality of our newfound struggle.


Then came a period we could only describe as the Great Dark, a harrowing span of 28 years marked by complete social, technological, and demographic collapse. It was a time of profound despair and loss, a stretch of history where the very fabric of our civilization unraveled. An unimaginable 75% of the world’s population succumbed to starvation, a grim testament to the scale of the catastrophe. Births became rarer than deaths, a chilling indicator of our dwindling hope and numbers. In those years, the world as we knew it ceased to exist, and every day was a struggle for survival, a desperate fight to hold onto whatever fragments of our humanity we could salvage.


The Waste Wars broke out in the wake of all that had happened, turning the Kamchatka Peninsula into a battleground of desperation and survival. It wasn't a war in the traditional sense, but a series of relentless skirmishes fought by factions that defied conventional descriptions. There were scavengers, picking through the remnants of a world left behind, savages who had lost all but their instinct to survive, shamans clinging to the remnants of old beliefs, and marauders who roamed the land with no law but their own. This prolonged and savage conflict further whittled down our numbers, and by the time the Waste Wars had run their course, our peninsula, already sparsely populated, was reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. It was a sobering reminder of how far we had fallen.


The defenders at Zavoyko Outpost finally turned the tide, successfully repelling the last assault by the Vachka hill tribes. This decisive victory marked the end of the tribes' dominance over the peninsula, a crucial turning point in our struggle for survival.


In the midst of our darkest times, an unexpected beacon of hope emerged from an old nuclear submarine base in Petrovskaya. Babushka, a resilient AI, sparked what we now call The Great Diffusion. Against all odds, the city of Petrovskaya thrived, drawing life from the geothermal energy of Mt. Avachinsky, even in the shadow of the Great War. Babushka became our guardian of lost knowledge, tirelessly sifting through the remnants of human data. It pieced together the fragmented memories of a world before the war, gradually rediscovering the secrets of electricity, computing, and countless other technologies, breathing new life into our crippled civilization. Yet, for all its brilliance, Babushka faced its own enigma: the principle of flight. Despite unlocking myriad technological mysteries, the complex mechanics and technologies of airplanes remained just beyond its grasp. This one elusive puzzle stood as a testament to the intricate nature of human innovation that Babushka, in all its digital wisdom, couldn't quite replicate.


The Reconstruction Period. Civilization is "rebooted".


The rediscovery of Babushka sparked a beacon of hope in our shattered world. Word of the city's miraculous reconstruction efforts spread like wildfire, drawing people from near and far. The city, now known as Gred, became a melting pot of humanity's perseverance and diversity. Its population swelled to a staggering 3 million, a tapestry of ethnic Russians, native Siberians including the Sakhalar (Yakutians), Itel'men, Koryaks, Aven, Chukchies, the Japanese, Amerikens from Alaska, and the Indigenous peoples of the Yukon. Gred transformed into a bustling metropolis, a symbol of our indomitable spirit. In this city, people from all corners of our ravaged world came together, united by a shared vision to rebuild and thrive amidst the ruins of the old world. The streets of Gred buzzed with activity, as diverse cultures blended and collaborated, forging a new society on the foundations of hope, innovation, and the relentless human will to endure and prosper.


As Gred burgeoned into a symbol of resurgence, it inevitably became a crucible for various factions, each harboring distinct ambitions and ideologies. The Constitutional Republicans, the enigmatic Black Wolves, and the elusive Strangers, among others, formed the mosaic of Gred's political landscape. Tensions between these groups escalated, culminating in what our fledgling history would remember as the War of Formation or the Strangers' Revolt. This conflict wasn't just a clash of arms; it was a battle for the soul of Gred. The war claimed the lives of the last few men from the eldest generation, those who held memories of a world now lost. Their sacrifice marked the end of the fledgling Republic they had fought to uphold. In the wake of this turmoil, a new era dawned with my own ascent to power, heralding the rise of the Technocracy of Gred, also known as the Syndicate. This war, fraught with loss and transformation, was a defining moment for Gred. It not only reshaped the city's political and social fabric but also set the course for its future, a future where old ideals gave way to new realities, and where power dynamics shifted in the hands of those who could navigate the new world order.This conflict wasn't just a clash of arms; it was a battle for the soul of Gred. The war claimed the lives of the last few men from the eldest generation, those who held memories of a world now lost. Their sacrifice marked the end of the fledgling Republic they had fought to uphold. In the wake of this turmoil, a new era dawned with my own ascent to power, heralding the rise of the Technocracy of Gred, also known as the Syndicate. This war, fraught with loss and transformation, was a defining moment for Gred. It not only reshaped the city's political and social fabric but also set the course for its future, a future where old ideals gave way to new realities, and where power dynamics shifted in the hands of those who could navigate the new world order.

2084 (1 K.N.)

In the first year of the Kalendar Novyy, a pivotal moment is etched—the invention of a serum that halts the aging process. As its creator, I must clarify that this serum doesn't reverse aging; it isn't a fountain of youth. Instead, it acts as a powerful shield, preventing the body from succumbing to the ravages of time. This breakthrough didn't just redefine the boundaries of science; it reshaped the very essence of human existence, opening doors to a future where the march of time on our bodies could be paused indefinitely.

2085 (2 K.N.)

Yelena Petrova, with a meticulously ambitious spirit that some might cautiously label as prudish, ascends as the first Chair of the United Babushka Syndicate. Her rise was championed by her faction, The Hive.

2089 (6 K.N.)

Finally stepping into the role I was, frankly, always destined to hold, I, Doctor Anastasia Zakharovna, took the helm of Gred's governance as Chair of the United Babushka Syndicate. Supported by my faction, The University, it was a moment of vindication—a rightful ascension that, in the eyes of some, was only delayed by the ambitions of others.

2093 (9 K.N.)

It's been nine years since we, the people of Gred, embraced biological immortality, thanks to my serum. Yet, with the ceaseless march of time halted, a new conflict brews. The divide between the older and younger generations deepens, each group clashing over their visions for our city's future. Tatyana Romanova, with her eyes set on the Chair of the Syndicate, has become a figure of contention. Backed by her faction, The Battalion, she dreams of expanding Gred's borders and imposing a new, conservative order, both within and beyond. But not everyone agrees with Romanova's vision for Gred, especially as she prepares to ascend. Rumors and whispers circulate about opposing forces, some say linked to a mysterious coven, rising to challenge her. While I am not privy to the details, there's talk of a bold move against Gred's government, a resistance to what is perceived as political regress. In the echoes of our newfound immortality, we stand at a crossroads, witnessing the unfolding of history. The conflict between generations and ideologies in Gred is more than a mere power struggle. It is a testament to the enduring human spirit and its relentless pursuit of what it perceives as just and right. To you, the reader of this entry, I offer this wisdom: the story of Gred is a mirror to our unending quest for meaning and order in a world that constantly evolves, even as we ourselves remain unchanging. Let our experiences be a guide and a warning. The decisions we make, the conflicts we choose, and the paths we walk shape not just our present but the legacy we leave for the future.

Akhmatova Railways

At the heart of the sprawling city of Gred lies the Akhmatova Railways, an intricate network of metro lines named after the revered Russian poet Anna Akhmatova. Its sleek trains and elegantly designed stations are both a nod to Gred's historical roots and a testament to its commitment to modernity and efficiency. Zakharovna Central Station, the pulsating hub of Akhmatova Railways, stands as more than a mere transport nexus. Named in honor of the iconic Doctor Zakharovna, this bustling station doubles as a thriving epicenter of Gredian culture and commerce. A vast concourse brims with chic boutiques, ambient cafes, and diverse kiosks, providing everything from daily essentials to luxury offerings. Skyscrapers loom above, housing corporate nerve centers and upscale residences, while below, administrative offices of the Railways are abuzz with activity. To serve Gred's 3 million inhabitants, the Akhmatova Railways extend to the industrial heartlands in the east, academic and research centers in the north, and cultural nerve centers in the south. These lines don't merely facilitate commute but weave together Gred's variegated communities. However, whispered tales of the metro's underbelly persist. Beneath the vibrant platforms, abandoned tunnels from yesteryears hide in the shadows. Here, makeshift apartment complexes offer sanctuary to those seeking an escape from Gred's fervor. Within these subterranean recesses, unique cultures have sprouted — a meld of past reverence and contemporary adaptability. Graffiti inspired by past legends beautify the walls, while clandestine gatherings champion art forms long thought obsolete. Not all tunnels are inhabited; some lie genuinely forsaken, beckoning urban adventurers. Mementos from Gred's earlier era, from time-worn adverts to discarded tokens, hint at tales untold. It's also rumored that the emblem of a serpent wrapped around a dagger, representing the elusive Vory, has been glimpsed in these secluded passages. As Akhmatova Railways' trains traverse Gred's heart and soul, they carry with them the city's stories — of days gone by, the present pulse, and future aspirations.

The Bunker

Hidden beneath the bustling streets of Gred lies The Bunker, an underground oasis of unbridled revelry and clandestine operations. Originally labeled as a "Maintenance Room," its unassuming entrance, guarded by a serpent coiled around a dagger symbol, conceals its true nature. This subterranean haven is the pulsating heart of the Vory, Gred's infamous criminal syndicate. As the heavy doors part, visitors are met with a dizzying display of scarlet neon lights, syncopated to the beats of an eclectic blend of soft rock and glam metal. The atmosphere, thick with a smoky haze, reverberates with the rhythmic howls of dancers. The Bunker's patrons, many bearing the telltale tattoos of the Vory, shed their clothing to reveal tales of time and allegiance inked onto their skin. Though many are lured by the intoxicating allure of the dance and music, there's no mistaking the true essence of The Bunker: it's a nexus of power and subterfuge for Gred's underground world, where the line between pleasure and business blurs amidst the neon glow.

Oktyabrya Prospekt

Vibrant, iconic, and pulsating with energy, Oktyabrya Prospekt stands as Gred's beating heart. As you tread its expansive sidewalks, surrounded by intertwining trees and inviting cafés, you're enveloped in the city's dynamic blend of the past and present. While the Soviet-era constructions speak of bygone days, their intricate Art Deco renovations keep them firmly rooted in the now. These vintage structures are dwarfed by the modern marvels of glass and steel that scrape the skies, showcasing Gred's relentless ambition. Here, the aromatic dance of street food beckons, with tantalizing whiffs of grilled skewers filling the air. Venture a little deeper, and you'll find the imposing Grigoreva Estates, a symbol of opulence with its grand blend of marble and glass. Set against the backdrop of contemporary skyscrapers, this thirteen-story mansion is a testament to the power and prestige that reside within its walls. A walk down Oktyabrya is not just a journey through Gred's downtown but an experience that captures the city's soul, a tale of tradition and transformation.

The Grand Mariner's Cathedral

Rising from the heart of Gred, surrounded by the serene Lysaya Birch Grove, the Grand Mariner's Cathedral stands as a testament to architectural prowess and historical significance. Pioneering AI and robotics technology not only designed its intricate facades but also physically laid its foundations, marking a groundbreaking union of tradition and innovation. Originally constructed as the stronghold of the Constitutional Republicans during the intense War of Formation, the cathedral now soars above the cityscape, its clerestories emanating the soft glow of innumerable candles. Beyond its architectural magnificence, the cathedral is the revered neutral ground for the Board's quarterly meetings, drawing representatives from Gred's three dominant political factions. While Grand Mariner Veronika Lagunov doesn't partake in these gatherings, the Admiralty's dual-anchor emblem is ever-present, a silent affirmation of the city's maritime lineage. The Grand Mariner's Cathedral remains an unwavering symbol of Gred's enduring spirit and unity.

The Derge

Once the shining twin to Gred, the Derge now stands as a haunting shadow of its former glory—a realm of desolation and decay. Home to souls hardened by the weight of despair, this frigid wasteland is ruled by the Outlaws, fierce advocates for unchecked freedom and self-determination. Amidst the ruins of elfin cedar and remnants of a once-prosperous city, they have carved out a dominion on Gred's western side, thriving amidst the heart of chaos. The Derge, with its labyrinthine paths and snow-covered expanses, breeds resilience and rebellion. Souls seeking solace and answers wander its desolate streets, where memories of brawls in frosty parking lots and tales of guerrilla warfare expertise echo. Dominated by the Outlaws' emblem—a rat's skull on a dark field—it stands as a testament to their unwavering spirit. The realm is a living reflection of their motto: "Live free or die," and serves as both a warning and an invitation for those brave enough to tread its desolate paths.

Fort Ivan

Fort Ivan, perched atop Sopka Nikolskaya, stands as an imposing tribute to the legends of Kamchatka. Constructed from the very same black stone as the mountain it towers upon, it's a reminder of The Navigator, Ivan Yelagin's heroic defense against overwhelming odds. Over two centuries ago, this hill was the stage for Yelagin and his ragtag band of sailors and prisoners, who, despite being ill-equipped, repelled an invading armada. As his tale of bravery spread, Yelagin's ranks swelled with Kamchatka's sons, birthing an army that would secure the peninsula. Though the annals of history had long forgotten Yelagin, the Great Diffusion revived his legend, and the Syndicate honored him by raising Fort Ivan—a colossal fortress and the very embodiment of resilience and triumph. Now, for over a quarter of a century, Fort Ivan has stood firm under the stars, witnessing the unification of Gred's warring factions. More than just a stronghold, it is the headquarters of the Black Wolves, where the first members of the pack pledged their loyalty. This granite fortress, encompassing both past and future, is the beating heart of the Wolves and their indomitable spirit.

The Flock

A pulsating hub of virtual reality where the past and present collide, emotions resonate, and regrets echo. Nestled within the heart of Gred, this avant-garde bar is Yana Kuular's magnum opus. From its lavish black marble walls adorned with sought-after artwork to the intoxicating blend of synthetic alcohol and palpable emotions, The Flock offers its patrons an immersive escape. Here, avatars clash, memes thrive, and the cacophony of life's regrets forms the establishment's unmistakable heartbeat. In this realm, city elites, disguised in whimsical costumes, rub shoulders with the everyday folk, all united by a universal longing for connection and understanding. As melodies of bygone eras resonate, the air becomes thick with nostalgia and the weight of unsaid words. But beneath its chaotic exterior, The Flock serves a deeper purpose for Yana: a chance to touch souls, offer solace to the lost, and forge bonds among the disconnected. This isn't just a bar; it's a living, breathing tapestry of humanity's deepest desires and unspoken regrets.

Baraka Lounge

Enter a realm where elegance converges with a touch of urban edge. The Baraka Lounge, with its plush interiors and captivating neon glow, epitomizes the cosmopolitan chic of Gred's nightlife. Once inside, you're greeted by an array of gleaming bottles that refract the room's neon light, casting a spectral hue upon the faces of its patrons. One might catch a glimpse of Dimitra, the unmistakable figure with her half-shaved head crowned in strands of wispy pink, casting a dominant shadow across the lounge. In warmer seasons, the outdoor patio becomes a haven for the city's crème de la crème, where seasoned women exchange tales over hookahs and indulge in the taste of extravagantly priced cocktails. Step indoors, and you're swept into a café-esque ambiance, where the delicate aroma of cappuccino blends seamlessly with the buttery allure of fresh croissants. However, as winter descends, only the movers and shakers of Gred frequent this sanctuary, forging deals and shaping the city's destiny. The Baraka Lounge is not merely an establishment; it's an experience—a testament to Gred's modern opulence and its undercurrent of intrigue.

The Night Café

An ethereal refuge suspended in the digital ether, The Night Café offers DATA ANGELS and virtual reality aficionados alike a rendezvous with the poetic charm of Van Gogh's visions. Here, under a simulated starry sky reminiscent of "Starry Night," cyber visitors wander amidst radiant landscapes, their senses enticed by the rich aroma of virtual croissants emanating from the cafe's corner bakery. Dunya Bocharov and Maria frequent this tranquil escape, mingling in intimate booths that echo the vibrant hues of "Cafe Terrace at Night." In this otherworldly establishment, forged at the intersection of technology and timeless art, patrons find solace, inspiration, and the quiet companionship of fellow dreamers, all seeking a moment's respite from the ceaseless current of the outside world.

The Arkyv

Nestled within the intricate digital expanse of Gred's revolutionary Babachain, The Arkyv emerges as a beacon of the city's dedication to memorializing history and cherished moments. It's not merely a data vault; this application plunges its users into a rich sensory experience, meticulously reconstructing bygone eras and settings, serving as a bridge from the past to the present. Whether it's the comforting aura of one's childhood abode or the timeless sights of Kamchatsky Kamen overseen by the unwavering Three Brothers, The Arkyv envelops its visitors in a nostalgic embrace. However, not all embrace The Arkyv without skepticism. A growing number of users voice concerns that these digital recreations don't truly mirror their personal recollections. Discrepancies in names, places, and events lead some to question the authenticity of The Arkyv's version of history. While its primary allure lies in its ability to rekindle memories, The Arkyv also offers an enticing escape. It's a haven where Gred's citizens can momentarily sidestep the rigors of their urban existence. But the risks are evident: prolonged exposure can lead to cognitive dissonance, and some users describe a lingering emptiness. Memories, when filtered through The Arkyv, sometimes feel hollow, never quite capturing the essence of lived experience. Moreover, cognitive malfunctions become a real threat with excessive use. As technologically advanced as The Arkyv might be, the genuine pulse and vibrancy of Gred stand unmatched, reminding its people that reality, with all its flaws and unpredictability, is irreplaceable.

Black Lotus Docks

Situated within Gred's harbor, the Black Lotus Docks serve as a focal point of the city's underbelly, with the Black Lotus Company Warehouse standing as its centerpiece. From the outside, the docks present an innocuous façade, blending seamlessly with the other commercial districts. Yet, the unmarked doors and shadowed alleys tell a different story. Here, shipments are more than just goods; they are potent currencies in Gred's underground trades, be it drugs or information. Within the warehouse, workers move with an efficiency and strength that seems almost superhuman. Many of them are equipped with Skelet exoskeleton braces, products of the renowned Skelet Corporation. These devices amplify their power and endurance, allowing them to handle cargo with exceptional agility and speed. The exoskeletons have become indispensable tools, with the warehouse relying on their robustness and dependability to maintain the rapid pace of operations. The heart of the warehouse is dominated by a large circular table, where meetings of consequence unfold under the watchful eyes of formidable figures like Rada Ivanova. As a member of the Hive, and a union leader representing the workforce's diverse interests, her influence permeates every corner of the docks. However, while Black Lotus Docks is an epicenter of covert deals and power plays, it's also a testament to the intricate dance of alliances, betrayals, and ambitions that shape Gred's underworld. Here, respect is earned, deals are brokered, and the balance of power is in constant flux.

Three Brothers

As symbols of enduring legacy, the Three Brothers rocks rise majestically from the sea's embrace off the shores of what was once Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. These iconic rock formations, ancient and unwavering, stand as silent sentinels that have witnessed the ebb and flow of time and the dynamic evolution of civilizations. With the emergence of Gred, the city that has magnificently transformed the landscape of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the Three Brothers serve as a tangible link between epochs. Their timeless presence harmoniously contrasts the city's rapid modernization and vibrant energy. They evoke a deep-rooted history, yet simultaneously celebrate the present and hint at the future. To the denizens of Gred, these steadfast rock guardians represent resilience, continuity, and the indomitable spirit of nature. As Gred faces its own set of challenges and triumphs, the Three Brothers serve as a potent reminder of nature's constancy amidst human endeavor. They are a living testament to the idea that while cities may evolve and landscapes might shift, certain landmarks will remain, grounding us in the memories of yesteryears while inspiring dreams of tomorrow. In the heart of every Gred citizen, the Three Brothers continue to echo tales of the old and new, interwoven in a dance of time and transformation.


Nestled away from the dominating expanse of Gred lies Sokoch, a serene city resplendent with natural beauty and rich traditions. With its population of a hundred thousand souls, this city stands as a testament to the endurance of culture and community amidst change. Its towering walls, while protective, also echo a story of preservation and resilience against the allure of eternal life. Zakharovna's roots dig deep into the snowy embrace of Sokoch, where a quaint log cabin, surrounded by snow-laden forests, stands as a monument to her childhood memories. Born to a Russian father and a Kamchadal mother who hailed from a lineage of reindeer herders, Zakharovna's very essence intertwines with the rhythms of Sokoch. As one wanders the bustling streets of the town, the crisp snow underfoot and the warmth of the sun overhead, it's easy to understand its magnetic pull. Yet, Sokoch is not just a city of traditions. It's also a city of whispers—whispers that dance in the air, singing praises of Zakharovna's sacrifices and echoing a cautionary reverence. While the vastness of Gred faces the challenges of the serum and its impact, Sokoch remains untouched, a bastion of hope. Its people, the Kamchadal, hold tight to their traditions, a bulwark against the creeping entropy from the Derge. In the ever-shifting landscape of life and immortality, Sokoch stands as a beacon of timelessness and identity.

Gred Research Center for Medical Genetics (RCMG)

On the outskirts of the bustling city of Gred, at the base of the formidable Koryaksky Volcano, stands the Gred Research Center for Medical Genetics, a luminous beacon of scientific progress. The Center was born from the pioneering vision of Doctor Lev Zakhari, but it was under Zakharovna that it underwent a revolutionary transformation. Her discovery of the anti-aging mRNA serum, exovegeta, not only redefined genetic research but also bestowed upon the citizens of Gred the allure of agelessness. However, beneath its shimmering facade lies a more clandestine operation. Rumors speak of covert drug development, shadowy undertakings that remain hidden from the public eye. The Center, with its intertwining tales of passion, secrecy, and relentless ambition, stands as both a testament to human ingenuity and a reminder of the lengths to which humanity will go in its unyielding pursuit of eternity.

Pavel Kirov


Speaking with Pavel Kirov
Welcome to the Babachain! Pavel Kirov here. Did you stop by to delve into some of the esteemed entries from Gred's Wiki, penned by the extraordinary Doctor Zakharovna? Or... perhaps you're here to learn something about this book? Well, that's less exciting, but sure, let's go with it... What would you like to know?